Pitch Pine Parquet Flooring

Pitch pine parquet has been used for hundreds of years as flooring in homes, schools and commercial buildings which means that there is normally a good supply reclaimed pitch pine parquet for home owners that are refurbishing a period property. Pitch Pine parquet is a reddish-brown wood which adds warmth to rooms and when laid in the herringbone pattern adds a touch of timeless class to a period home.

Pitch Pine origins
Pitch pine trees grow mainly in the North East of the USA.

Why choose pitch pine parquet?
Pitch pine parquet is a soft wood which would normally make it a unusual choice for flooring but the trees initially grow very slowly which helps to produce a very tough, durable wood. Pitch Pine wood also has a very high resin content which preserves it from decay and helps protect it from water damage and moisture consumption so as a flooring material it is less likely to warp and expand if used in high moisture environments.

Price to pay
Like most reclaimed building materials price normally depends on supply and demand so expect to pay anything from £17 to £35 a square meter for pitch pine parquet and also be careful if buying pitch pine parquet from ebay or from any unknown source as much of the parquet found in schools is not pitch pine but normal soft wood pine and it takes experience to know how to tell the difference and this can never be done even by the experience just via a photograph as you will need to hold (it is heavier than normal pine) and smell (you can smell the pitch) the wood in order to determine if it is genuine. Tip: Try to purchase pitch pine parquet with the bitumen removed from the backs of the blocks. Please visit the reclaimed parquet flooring section of Encore Reclamation and if you do not see the flooring you need just contact us and we will do our best to get you the flooring you need via our contacts in the trade

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